Granny square box bag

Granny square crochet bag

I took some inspiration from this image of the Big Granny Basket to construct my own version.

I’d never made a granny square before so I found a basic granny square tutorial and got to work on my first one…

First section of a granny square

Round and round I went…

Five partial granny squares

When I was ready to join them, I found a dc2tog join video tutorial (the method begins at the 1:20 mark)…

Two joined granny squares

After joining the four sides I joined the bottom using the same dc2tog method…

Granny square bag - work in progress

For the top I did a round of double crochet and a round of single crochet. The handles were made using short rows of double crochet. There was a lot of weaving in of yarn ends but I’m delighted with how it looks.

Granny square box bag

My largest ever crochet project is complete!