Sometimes the knitting needles have a mind of their own and all I can do is follow along. That’s what happened with these Accidental socks.
I wanted to try out two colour cast-ons and found a photo tutorial from Talena Winters. I picked up two balls of Regia from my stash without too much thought for the colours because I was going to try it, rip it out, and put the yarn back in my stash… but the knitting needles took control. Continue reading →
I’ve been finding that when I knit socks my second sock ends up with a slightly tighter gauge than the first so I decided to try and combat this by knitting a pair of socks two-at-a-time. Continue reading →
I’m working on a slow-knitting top at the moment with a yarn that is a touch on the harsh side (but will soften up after washing) so, to alternate with a softer project, I cast on a pair of plain socks with a ball of Austermann Step self-patterning sock yarn. The yarn is easy on the hands and contains Aloe Vera and Jojoba Oil, and while my colour choice was a little odd, it was a dream to knit with. Continue reading →
While I was visiting my mum for the Christmas break I dropped in to her local craft shop to say thank you to the owner for the free alpaca fleece she gave me the previous Christmas when I was learning to spin yarn on my DIY drop spindle. I told her how much fun I had been having with my drop spindle and that I was hoping to get a spinning wheel at some point when a lady in the shop piped up to say that she knew where I could get a spinning wheel. It turned out that she had a spare wheel that she was looking to sell! Continue reading →
Over the holidays I challenged myself to try a different way of making socks. I’ve knit all my socks cuff-down so it was time to try toe-up.
I had a Zauberball that I’d been hoarding and I decided that the fun colours would keep me interested as I worked a plain sock. I had also picked up a set of Knit Pro Karbonz to test out in 2.25mm (US 1) so I threw them in the challenge mix. Continue reading →
Adventures while trying to make random things for fun by Niina (aka Give Me A Crown).